Numerous cabins in the hills and mountains offer refuge to travellers and hikers and those who wish to retreat “far from the world gone mad”.
Košenjak Mountain Hut, Dravograd Informacije Information Informationen Informacije Košenjak Mountain Hut Goriški vrh 2a, 2370 Dravograd 00386 41 222 360 Facebook The Košenjak mountain hut is located on a plain under the south foothill of Košenjak (1,169 m). You can reach the hut in three ways: on foot across Goriški Vrh, through Ojstrica, or by car. It is located in the heart of unspoiled nature, which enables excellent relaxation walks, be it shorter or longer, either way you can enjoy the views of the nearby mountains in peace. Theme picker
Košenjak Mountain Hut, Dravograd Informacije Information Informationen Informacije Košenjak Mountain Hut Goriški vrh 2a, 2370 Dravograd 00386 41 222 360 Facebook The Košenjak mountain hut is located on a plain under the south foothill of Košenjak (1,169 m). You can reach the hut in three ways: on foot across Goriški Vrh, through Ojstrica, or by car. It is located in the heart of unspoiled nature, which enables excellent relaxation walks, be it shorter or longer, either way you can enjoy the views of the nearby mountains in peace.
Time Brewery, Radlje ob Dravi Kmetija Kajžer, Radlje ob Dravi Ridgeline trails Na trati Pension ***, Črna na Koroškem Ribniška koča, Ribnica na Pohorju Campervan Spot & Ekohotel Koroš Jamnica, Prevalje Swimming pool complex Aqualatio Slovenj Gradec Apartment / The holiday home Natur Pur Pikovo, Črna na Koroškem Valle Divina, Mislinja Mučevo Via Ferrata Cycling routes on Pohorje Black Peak E-bike, Ribniško Pohorje Theme picker
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