
The owner (data collector) of the website is the company:
RRA Koroška d.o.o.,
Meža 10,
2370 Dravograd


The company RRA Koroška d.o.o., pays special attention to the protection of your personal data. The company guarantees that your personal data will be properly managed in accordance with the currently applicable legislation.

RRA Koroška d.o.o. undertakes to protect your privacy and develop technology, which will enable you to have a safe online experience.

This privacy statement applies to the website RRA Koroška d.o.o. By visiting the website you agree with the ways in which the data is used, as described in this statement.

The website RRA Koroška d.o.o. collects the following data about you:

  • Name and surname
  • E-mail
  • Telephone

The web page RRA Koroška d.o.o. can automatically collect some of the data about your computer’s hardware and software.

Such data include:

  • IP address,
  • browser type,
  • names of domains,
  • access time,
  • links of websites, that you visited on our web page.

RRA Koroška d.o.o. uses such data only for the purpose of calculating general statistics on the use of the website.

Use of personal data

RRA Koroška d.o.o. collects the data on their website to guarantee proper operation of the website and to provide the required services. RRA Koroška d.o.o. may use your data for the following purposes:

  • internal market research,
  • to notify customers about new products on the website,
  • to notify customers about products or services that RRA Koroška d.o.o. offers, which concern them in particular.

Protection of personal data

RRA Koroška d.o.o. undertakes to protect your personal data in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act. Your personal data will only be used for internal purposes and will not be transmitted to third parties.

Your personal data will be stored in electronic format to which only the authorised employees of RRA Koroška d.o.o. will have access. Your personal data will be kept until the cancellation of the consent or until they stop serving the purpose for which they were collected.

You are entitled to request information about the data that we collected about you. You are also entitled to cancel the consent for the collection of your personal data at any time and with no reason. You can do so by sending us a written cancellation statement by e-mail to or to the address RRA Koroška d.o.o., Meža 10, 2370 Dravograd, Slovenija.

Use of cookies

Cookies are text files, which the web server uploads onto your computer. Cookies do not contain any data which might reveal your identity. Cookies enable the server to know that you have visited the web page previously, which we may use for adjusting the website to the user.

Most browsers automatically accept cookies, but if you do not wish to accept them or want to be notified about it before the cookie is uploaded to your computer, you can adjust the settings of your browser.

Remove my personal information from website

If you want us to remove your personal data from our database, you can do this by specifying the request to delete the information using the form below.

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