Active break in nature's embrace
Nature’s treasures and the heritage of the past – breathtaking and inspirational. Welcome to Koroška where you can enjoy cycling and hiking experiences in the hills and valleys, explore the mysteries of the Peca underworld, and experience the river on a raft. Koroška invites you to a date with nature where you can explore the past in a creative way, every day of the year.
Zakladi narave in dediščina preteklosti – jemljejo dih in ponujajo navdih. Vabijo h kolesarskim in pohodniškim doživetjem v hribih ali dolini, k dejavnemu odkrivanju skrivnosti podzemlja Pece in srečanju z reko na splavu. Koroška vas vabi na zmenek z naravo in ustvarjalno spoznavanje preteklosti, vse dni v letu.