Natural, authentic and local is the motto of numerous eateries around the region. Let the pampering of your taste buds begin! Various places will prepare a feast for any taste and wallet.
Pri Vidi Gostilna, Ribnica na Pohorju The café offers excellent coffee, while the restaurant prepares a wide... Delalut Gostilna, Ravne na Koroškem The guesthouse is a proud holder of the Gostilna Slovenija brand and... Ribnica Restaurant, Ribnica na Pohorju The Ribnica Restaurant is a post in the heart of Pohorje with a diverse... Murko Gostilna, Slovenj Gradec This gostilna is known for its hundred-year-old tradition. The current... Koroška Hiša Pri Lipi, Muta Koroška Hiša (Koroška House) has been awarded the title of Golden Pan... Kuf'r Pizzeria and Pub, Slovenj Gradec The Kuf’r Pizzeria and Pub was named after the Kuf’r Pub,... Krebs Gostilna, Mežica This gostilna with more than 50 years of tradition is located in the... Kope Restaurant and Holcer Pizzeria, Mislinja Grmovškov Dom cabin is located in the heart of Kope. This is where you... Marenberg Café, Radlje ob Dravi In the town café, you can try the fresh-made local food and house... Gajbica Pizzeria, Ravne na Koroškem No, in the Gajbica Pizzeria you will not be hungry. You can choose from... Senica4You, Črna na Koroškem Enjoy a relaxing evening with different types of warm and cold... Senica Café, Ravne na Koroškem Do you have a sweet tooth? Come over and try their fresh-made desserts,... Punkt – Bistro and Café, Ravne na Koroškem In the Koroška region, when you say burger, you only think of one place... Hober Boutique Hotel, Prevalje Would you like to be close to nature but at the same time enjoy the... Krivograd Guesthouse, Prevalje You will definitely recover your strength in the comfortable rooms of... Lukov Dom (Luka Restaurant), Mislinja The Luka restaurant will pamper you with freshly-prepared food, diverse... Hiša Ančka, Slovenj Gradec Besides their traditional stews, Hiša Ančka (Ančka House) serves... Pohorje Villa, Slovenj Gradec The Pohorje Villa is located in the lovely atmosphere in the very... Time Brewery, Radlje ob Dravi Brewing Time, So You Can Take It and Enjoy It in Good... Theme picker
Mežica MTB trails Ferrata Olimpline Time Brewery, Radlje ob Dravi Kmetija Kajžer, Radlje ob Dravi Ridgeline trails Na trati Pension ***, Črna na Koroškem Ribniška koča, Ribnica na Pohorju Campervan Spot & Ekohotel Koroš Jamnica, Prevalje Swimming pool complex Aqualatio Slovenj Gradec Apartment / The holiday home Natur Pur Pikovo, Črna na Koroškem Valle Divina, Mislinja Mučevo Via Ferrata Theme picker
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